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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Question for CA, ICAB, ICAI, ACCA: Accounting Professional Level: Knowledge Level The accounting equation (Chapter-2 to 10)

Professional Level: Knowledge Level
The accounting equation (Chapter-2)
Q1.   What is the accounting equation?

Q2.  Definition: Asset, liability, receivables/debtors, currents asset, current liability,

payables/creditors, capital, historical cost, profit, loss, drawings, gross profit, net profit

Q3.   “The business as a separate entity” Explain.

Q4.   Identify and manipulated the accounting equation?

Q5.   What is balance sheet?

Q6.  A business buys a car for Tk.10,000/-. It expects to keep the car for three years and then

to sell it for Tk.3,400/-. How much depreciation should be accounted for in each year of

the car’s useful life?

Q7.  You are given the following information about ABC Co. Ltd. as on 31.12.2009.

Particulars Amount (Tk.)

Capital (01.01.2009)  2,500

Additional capital introduced  250

Profit for the year  3,620

Stall at cost  1,800

Van at cost  700

Drawings in year  960



Inventories 1,250

Cash in hand  20

Trade payables  675

Cash at bank  1,475

Trade receivables  890

Requirement: Prepare a balance sheet for ABC Co. Ltd. as at 31.12.2009

Q8.  A business has sales of Tk.1,00,000/-, cost of sales of Tk.60,000/- and expenses of

Tk.20,000/-. What is the gross profit margin?

Professional Level: Knowledge Level
Recording financial transactions (Chapter-3)

Q1.  What are source documents used for recording financial transactions?

Q2.  Definition: Invoice, credit notes, debit notes, delivery notes, goods received notes, sales

day book, purchase day book, cash book, Petty cash book, payroll

Q3.  What are books of original entry used for?

Q4.  What is the cash book used for?

Q5.  What is the petty cash book used for?

Q6.  What is the payroll used for?

Q7.  What is the journal used for?

Q8.  Petty cash is controlled under an imprest system. The imprest amount is Tk.100/-.

During a period, payments totaling Tk.53/- have been made. How much needs to be

reimbursed at the end of the period to restore petty cash to the imprest account?

Professional Level: Knowledge Level
Ledger accounting and double entry (Chapter-4)

Q1.  Why do we need ledger accounts?

Q2.  What is the nominal ledger used for?

Q3.  Definition: Nominal ledger, double entry bookkeeping, trade discount, cash discount,


Q4.  Identify the debit and credit entries in the following transactions:

a) Bought a machine of Tk.10,000/- on credit

b) Bought goods of Tk.500/- on credit

c) Sold goods of Tk.1,200/- on credit

d) Paid D (a credit supplier) of Tk.3,000/-

e) Collected Tk.1,800/- from E, a credit customer

f) Rent paid Tk.5,000/-

g) Paid insurance premium of Tk.2,500/-

Q5.  What are journals entries used for?

Q6.  XYZ operates an imprest petty cash system. The imprest amount is Tk.150/-. At the end

of the period the totals of the four analysis columns in the petty cash book were as


Column 01  Tk.23/-

Column 02    Tk.7/-

Column 03    Tk.13/-

Column 04    Tk.28/-

How much cash is required to restore the imprest amount?

Q7.   Please explain about accounting for trade discount and cash discount?

Q8.   What is accounting for VAT?

Q9.  A Ltd. purchase raw materials at a cost of Tk.1,000/- plus VAT @15%. From the raw

material A Ltd. makes finished products which it sells to a retail outlet, B Ltd. for

Tk.1,600/- plus VAT at 15%. B Ltd. sells the products to customers at a total price of

Tk.2,000/- plus VAT at 15%uch VAT is paid at each stage in the chain?

Q10.   Individual customer accounts are kept in which ledger?

Q11.  When a credit customer pays an invoice for Tk.230/- including VAT at 15%, what will

be credit entry in the VAT ledger account?

Q12.   What may be happened when a debit entry occurred in a T account?

Professional Level: Knowledge Level
Preparing basic financial statements (Chapter-5)

Q1.  What methodically steps you need to follow for preparing income statement and

balance sheet?

Q2.  Definition: Trial balance, ledger account

Q3.  When the trial balance fails to balance? Even if the trial balance balances are equal, what

types of error may happen?

Q4.  What is extended trial balance?

Q5.  From the following information prepare ledger accounts, an income statement and a

Balance sheet:

A business is started with capital of Tk.2,000/- paid by the proprietor into a business

bank account, which has an overdraft facility. During the year the following transactions


Particulars  Amount in Tk.

Purchase of goods, on credit  4,300

Payments to suppliers  3,600

Sales, all on credit


Payments from customers  3,200

Non-current assets purchased for cash  1,500

Other expenses, all paid in cash  900

Q6.  Prepare an extended trial balance from the following information:

Date Particulars

01.01.2009  Opened a Bank account with Tk.400/-. Took Bank loan for Tk.5,000/- and agreed

an overdraft limit of the same amount.

01.01.2009  Bought a car for Tk.2,500/- cash. Insured it for Tk.300/- cash. Bought other

equipment for Tk.1,500/- and consumable items for Tk.500/-, both on credit

05.04.2009  Charged customers Tk.15,945/-, all on credit

12.06.2009  Purchased further consumables for Tk.3,690/- on credit, and diesel for car

Tk.650/- in cash.

18.09.2009  Took Tk.1,250/- in cash from ATM for herself

22.12.2009  Received Tk.12,935/- from customers and paid Tk.3,250/- to suppliers.

Professional Level: Knowledge Level
Control accounts, errors and omissions (Chapter-6)

Q1.  What are control accounts?

Q2.  The purpose of control accounts?

Q3.  Types of error in accounting?

Q4.  How errors are corrected?

Q5.  What is suspense account?

Q6.  What is Bank reconciliation?

Q7.  As on 31.12.2009 the balance in ABC C. Ltd. cash book was Tk.805.15 debit. A bank

statement on 31.12.2009 showed a credit at the bank by Tk.1,112.30

The following differences were established:

a) The cash book had been undercast by Tk.90.00 on the debit side

b) Cheques deposited but not yet credited by the bank were Tk.208.20

c) Cheques issued but not yet presented to the bank were Tk.425.35

Prepare a statement of reconciliation.

Q8.  On the receivable control account A Co. has sales of Tk.1,25,000/- cash received

Tk.50,000/-, discount allowed Tk.2,000/-. The balance carried down is Tk.95,000/-.

What was the opening balance?

Q9.  A payable control account contains the following entries:

Bank       Tk.79,500/-

Credit purchase    Tk.83,200/-

Discount received    Tk.3,750/-

Contra with receivables control account   Tk.4,000/-

Balance C/d at the closing      Tk.12,920/-

What was the opening balance at the beginning?

Professional stage: Knowledge Level
Subject: Accounting
Accounting concepts and conventions (Chapter-7)

Q1.  The importance of accounting concepts and conventions

Q2.  Specify how to ensure fair presentation in financial statements?

Q3.  What are the underlying assumptions?

Q4.  What are the purposes for preparing of financial statements?

Q5.  When may departure from BASs at the time of preparing financial statements?

Q6.  What is an accounting policy?

Q7.  What is going concern?

Q8.  A retailer commences business on January 01 and buys 20 washing machines, each

costing Tk.100/-. During the year he sells 17 machines at Tk.150/- each. How should the

remaining machines be valued at December 31, in the following circumstances?

a) He is forced to close down his business at the end of the year and the remaining

machines will realize only Tk.60/- each in a forced sale.

b) He intends to continue his business into the next year.

Q9.   If the going concern assumption is not followed, what factors must be disclosed?

Q10.  Definition: Prudence, substance over form, neutrality and completeness, materiality,

consistency, historical cost, money measurement concept

Professional stage: Knowledge Level
Subject: Accounting
Cost of sales, accruals and prepayments (Chapter-8)

Q1.  How comprises the cost of sales?

Q2.  On January 2009 ABC food store had goods in inventory amount Tk.6,000/-. During

2006 its proprietor purchased goods Tk.50,000/-. Sales for the year amounted to

Tk.80,000/-. The cost of goods in inventory at December 31, 2009 was Tk.2,500/-

Calculate the gross profit for the year.

Q3.  Explain about cost of carriage inwards and cost of carriage outwards.

Q4.  When inventory to be written off?

Q5.  Discuss about the principle behind accruals and prepayments.

Q6.  XYZ’s business financial year ended on 28 February each year. His telephone was

installed on April 01, 2008 and he receives his telephone bill quarterly at the end of each

quarter. You need to calculate the telephone expenses to be charged to the income

statement for the year ended February 28, 2009.

Telephone expense for the three months ended:

30.06.2008  Tk.23.50

30.09.2008    Tk.27.20

31.12.2008    Tk.33.40

31.03.2009    Tk.36.00

Q7.  A business opens on January 01, 2009 in a shop where the rent is Tk.20,000/- per year,

payable quarterly in advance at the beginning of each three month period. Payments

were made as follows:

January 01, 2009   Tk.5,000

March 31, 2009   Tk.5,000

June 30, 2009    Tk.5,000

September 30, 2009   Tk.5,000

December 31, 2009   Tk.5,000

What will the rental charge be for the year ended December 31, 2009?

Q8.  Definition: Cost of sales, accruals, prepayments, carriage inwards, carriage outwards

Professional stage: Knowledge Level
Subject: Accounting

Q1.  How irrecoverable debts write off and its presentation?

Q2.  What is accounting treatment for irrecoverable debts written off and subsequently paid?

Q3.  When a customer’s cheque is dishonored do you treat it as irrecoverable debts?

Q4.  We have the following information on ABC for the year ended December 31, 2009.


Amount (Tk.)

Inventory, January 01, 2009




Inventory, December 31, 2009


Cash sales


Credit sales


Discount allowed


Discount received


Irrecoverable debts expenses


Debts paid in 2009 which were previously written off as irrevocable in 2008   2,000

Other expenses


Prepare income statement from the above information.

Q5.  If a receivable allowance is increased, what is the effect on the income statement?

Q6.  At July 01, 2009 a business had total outstanding debts of Tk.8,600/-. During the year to

December 31, 2009 the following transactions took palace.

a) Credit sales of Tk.44,000/-

b) Payments from customers of Tk.49,000/-

c) Two debts for Tk.180 and Tk.420, were declared irrecoverable and the customers are

no longer purchasing goods from the company. These are to be written off.

Prepare the trade receivables account and the irrecoverable debts account for the year.

Q7.  Definition: Irrecoverable debt, writing off, allowance for receivables

Professional stage: Knowledge Level
Subject: Accounting
Inventories (Chapter-10)

Q1.  What do you mean about counting inventories?

Q2.  What is included in the total cost of an item?

Q3.  ABC Co. Ltd. had a balance on its inventory account at July 01, 2008 of Tk.23,490/-. At

June 30, 2009 it had inventory of Tk.40, 285/-?

Prepare a journal to record the situation as at the year ended June 30, 2009.

Q4.  Why it is necessary for inventory counting?

Q5.  What arte the basic rule for valuation of inventories?

Q6.  How determine the cost of inventory?

Q7.  There is any need to entry for writing off inventories?
Q8. How mark-up/margin percentage uses to establish cost?

Q9.  What would be the effect on a business’s profit of discovering that inventory with a cost

of Tk.1,250/- and a net releasable value of Tk.1,000/- had been omitted from the year

end inventory count?

Q10.  A business has valued  inventory at Tk.1,000/-, being the selling price of the items.


What is the cost of closing inventory at cost assuming the business operates?

a)  On a margin of 25%?

b)  On a mark-up 25%?

Q11.  Definition: Conversion cost, cost of inventory, cost of purchase, LIFO, FIFO, AVCO

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